Friday, October 5, 2007

Your Fans is Your Greatest Asset

Hi Music Makers!

Your fans is your greatest asset. They love your music. They listen to your music. Not only do this make you feel good. It also is the basis for your income. Without fans - no income from your music. You shall be happy if you have fans and you shall treat your fans well. You shall actually treat them very well.

Now - what do you think? Is suing your fans treating them well? Does that sound like reasonable thing to do to people that love your music?

But that is exactly what the music industry now is doing. And they are partly doing it in your name - or at least the sued fans will feel they do.

Now - OK - file sharing might be considered taking money from you. And in some cases that might be true.

But in general - don´t you believe (like me) that fans really is an asset for you - the basis for your incomes and joy.

And don´t you believe (like me) that your greatest possibilities lies with being happy that your fans wants to listen to your music.

Is it not time to say to the music industry: "Don't Mess with My Fans!"

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